Google Apps meet IBM i

The explosive growth of cloud computing produces the need to connect your enterprise applications with public clouds and private clouds.
JetLab IBM i and Google Apps
JetLab provides everything you need to securely integrate Google's cloud offerings with your IBM i enterprise applications.
Ready-to-go solutions
- Drive4i (send file on Google Drive and manage documents on the Cloud directly from IBM i)
- WDT4i (easily create web services for integrate IBM i with third-party applications)
5 million businesses and growing
- A new activity stream in Drive shows you what's changed - January 15, 2014
- Reach people you know more easily through Gmail and Google+ - January 13, 2014
- Targeted legal holds in Google Vault - December 12, 2013
- Update to Device management setting in the Admin console - December 05, 2013
- Scheduled Release: View and save Gmail attachment directly with Drive - December 04, 2013
- Add names to Hangouts video calls in Google Calendar - December 05, 2013
- New sign-in page for Google Apps customers (coming next year) - November 26, 2013
- Google Maps autocomplete in Google Calendar - December 05, 2013
- Scheduled Release: Calendar events that update when Google Groups change - December 03, 2013
- Gmail and Calendar support in Google Takeout - December 05, 2013
- Admin controls and global address list support for Hangouts - November 21, 2013
- Domain-restricted videos in YouTube - November 19, 2013
- View and save Gmail attachment directly with Drive - November 14, 2013
- Third-party apps now easier to find and more secure - November 19, 2013
- End of support for Internet Explorer 9 - November 05, 2013
- New version of the Google bar - October 31, 2013
- Calendar events that update when Google Groups change - November 05, 2013
- Hangouts can now be enabled for domains using Google Apps Vault - October 21, 2013
- Domain-restricted Google+ communities - November 05, 2013
- Share Docs, Slides and Drawings with people who do not have a Google Account - October 07, 2013
- Domain labels, Mobile updates and a new API for using Google+ at work - August 14, 2013
- Monitor user logins, storage consumption and apps usage with the Admin SDK - October 01, 2013
- Google Apps Directory Sync version 3.2.1 now available - August 06, 2013
- Full screen option in the new Gmail compose experience - July 30, 2013
- Email alerts for Admins - August 06, 2013
- Print Google Forms in a fillable format - June 28, 2013
- New URL and multiple account sign-in for the Admin console - August 06, 2013
- Scheduled release updates for June 5th, 201 - June 06, 2013
- A new inbox to put you in control - June 06, 2013